2 Day Tactical Shooting with “Big Phil Campion” – 17th-18th June & 6-7th November 2021


Phil is coming back! If you want the best practical firearms training in Bulgaria, “Big Phil” Campion, former 22 SAS, Mercenary & Accomplished author will be taking PrepYou.Eu students through an intensive 2/3 day firearms package with PrepYou.Eu in Sofia, Bulgaria 17th-19th June & 6-8th November 2021


  • 2 Day – 17th-18th June 2021
  • 3 Day – 17th-19th June 2021
  • 2 Day – 6-7th November 2021
  • 3 Day – 6-8th November 2021

COVID-19 Recommendations:
  • Please pay ONLY the €5 deposit – It is valid for 2 years from date of payment.
  • Due to the ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic, we request all applicant students to take appropriate travel precautions when booking their travel and accommodation to ensure they are not financially committed in the unlikely event that the course is cancelled
  • All students should bring PPE with them and take appropriate social distancing measures at all times
  • PrepYou.Eu can not be held responsible for any travel planning alterations or country entry requirements
  • Regular updates on Bulgaria C-19 Situation here.

Big Phil Campion on the PrepYou Range Sofia, Bulgaria

The “Man” himself on the PrepYou.Eu ranges – Nov 2019

Former 22 SAS Operator, modern-day mercenary and accomplished author “Big Phil” Campion will, for the second year running, be taking PrepYou.Eu students on an intensive three-day tactical firearms package with Close Protection and PSD (Personal Security Detail) operations in hostile environments.

Course Contents:

  1. General Weapon Competency – On all range weapon systems. The fundamentals of combat shooting start with NSPs (Normal Saftey Procedures), The MarksManship Principles and Grouping & Zeroing until basic weapon usage becomes second nature to the students.
  2. Advanced Instinctive Shooting — is a method of shooting a firearm quickly and accurately that does not rely on the use of the sights in close quarters, life-threatening situations where there is the greatest chance of being killed. Close-quarters fighting makes it difficult to apply proper marksmanship techniques, which is why point shooting advocates a less sighting-based style of shooting. Instinctive Shooting is also a set of techniques used by trained SF and marksmen to improve general accuracy when using a firearm, or other ranged weapons. By developing a feel for a given weapon such as a pistol, the shooter can become so accustomed to the weapon’s weight and where it is aimed that they can remain relatively accurate without the need to focus on the sights of the gun to aim. By continuously practising with a weapon,a shooter can develop subconscious coordination between their eyes, hands, and brain, utilizing a natural human sense known as proprioception to aid in the proper and accurate use of a ranged weapon to the point that they can fire said weapon by “instinct”.
  3. Stress Drills – Including magazine changes and stoppage drills, timed and recorded for the student’s progression.
  4. Use of Cover  Tactical training teaches muscle memory and reinforces techniques. The use of cover and concealment, single round semi-automatic engagement versus the three-round burst. Position shooting as in standing, kneeling, sitting and prone, sight adjustments, compensation for weather conditions and clearing the weapon if there happens to be a firearm or ammunition failure. 
  5. SF Weapons Transition — Rifle-to-pistol transitions are a tactical drill any combatant should learn if their life depends on their firearms. If you are going to learn the right way to do rifle-to-pistol transitions Phil will go through and teach the operators way, from proven experience in the battlefield. What Phil is teaching is for tactical situations when your rifle stops working. It could be from your gun going dry to a weapon or ammo malfunction. The transition is the immediate action when faced with a threat if your rifle goes down. Once the threat is eliminated and the scene is secure get your rifle back up and running. The rifle is your primary weapon, and you want it back in the fight if something goes down later.
  6. Advanced Stoppages – In the battlefield a stoppage can mean a life or death situation, especially when engaged in a firefight. Therefore, it is imperative that a weapon system suffering from a malfunction is returned to a state whereby a soldier can return fire as quickly and efficiently. Re-engaging the enemy and regaining the tactical advantage. This intensive section will introduce you to those skills the SAS way.
  7. Use of Optics – Including Reflex and Red Dot sights.
  8. Weapon Maintenance (ITF – In The Field) – Learn to keep the tools of the trade in good working order under any circumstances.

Weapons & Ammunition:

  • AK47 (Various models), Glock 17, Sig Pistols
  • 150 Rounds of ammunition per day (x 2)

What’s included:

  • All weapon and range rental
  • All instruction
  • All range safety equipment including body armour plates
  • Lunch (Range Lunch Pack)

What’s not included:

  • Additional ammunition over your allocation
  • Tactical equipment – Can be hired on request
    • Plate Carrier
    • Battle/Gun belt
  • Food & beverage away from the range


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