PrepYou.EU has pioneered a series of courses aimed at ladies (either corporate groups or individuals) known as the “Lethal Ladies” series and the first was delivered at Nu Boyana Film Studios in July 2017.

Lethal Ladies is a two-part course and was designed as a course for ladies of all ages (14+). We have tried several formats for the course but based on the feedback from our international ladies, we are now able to offer “Modules” to allow busy ladies and mums to jump into a specific topic for a morning or afternoon as they see fit!

Join the International Lethal Ladies Group on Facebook for more info, pictures & dates!

The course was designed to address a number of topics relevant to ladies only courses. These include:

  • Indecent (sexual) assault
  • Domestic violence
  • Mass casualty situation & child trauma care
  • “Min-Set” training for scenarios that include terrorist attack to road traffic accident
  • Safe handling of firearms (basic weapon handling and safety) including making them safe if found unattended.

  • Module 1 – Traumatic First-Aid including Paediatric care
  • Training Day: Saturdays Only
  • Time: 3-4 Hours
  • Location: PrepYou Training Area
  • Cost – €49.99

Topics Covered:

  1. The principles of first aid
  2. Application of tourniquet
  3. Application of field dressings
  4. Application of Haemostatic dressings
  5. Application of chest seal
  6. Pediatric emergency first aid
  7. Reporting an incident to the first responders or the security services 

  • Module 2 -Self-Defence & Non-Lethal Weapon System
  • Training Day: Saturdays Only
  • Time: 3-4 Hours
  • Location: PrepYou Training Area
  • Cost – €49.99

Topics Covered:

  1. Disarming an attacker with a knife
  2. Disarming an attacker with a pistol
  3. Disabling an attacker
  4. Restraining an attacker
  5. Conflict resolution
  6. Use of non-lethal weapons including Gas, Gels, Electric Batons, Gas Pistols and more!

  • Module 3 – Basic Weapon Handling
  • Training Day: Saturdays & Sundays (Numbers Permitting)
  • Time: 3-4 Hours
  • Location: PrepYou Range – Sofia
  • Cost – €59.99

Topics Covered:

  1. Weapon Saftey and how to make a discarded weapon safe
  2. Basic drills – Load, Unload, Make Ready and Make Safe
  3. Introduction to small framed pistols
  4. Introduction to AK47 and Makarov Pistol – The two most likely weapons to be used in a terror attack.
  5. Static Shoot – AK 47 & Makarov

  • Module 4 – Advanced Weapon Handling
  • Please note – You MUST have passed Module 3 to take Module 4
  • Training Day: Saturdays & Sundays (Numbers Permitting)
  • Time: 3-4 Hours
  • Location: PrepYou Range – Sofia
  • Cost – €69.99

Topics Covered:

  1. Weapon Saftey (again!)
  2. Marksmanship Principles
  3. Zero & Grouping Static Shoots – Standing, kneeling & prone (laying down)
  4. Use of cover
  5. Shooting from extremely close range (Close Quater Contact)
  6. Shooting from a vehicle
  7. Drills, Drills, Drills!

Each module is accompanied by its own certificate and ladies are welcome to take photos and video of their activities to share with family & friends!