Showing all 11 results

  • 5 day civil defence training by PrepYou is designed to prepare you for an anticipated upcoming war in Europe Sale!

    5 Day Civil Defense Training

    War is coming.

    This course is designed to be as close to an intense Phase 1 Military Training (Basic Training) as we are able to achieve and forms part of our Citizen Soldier Program. One of the biggest and continual theses of this five-day package is preparing a mindset to assist the student to calmly and …

  • The Annual Personal Weapon Test from PrepYou.Eu Sale!

    All Platform Annual Personal Weapon Test and Training (APWTT)

    The PrepYou.Eu All Platform Annual Personal Weapons Test (APWT) is part of our Citizen Soldier Program and has been designed for civilian shooters who wish to have professional-level firearms training with a benchmark of their current ability (and skill fade) as well as being able to identify areas they need work on to progress through the …

  • Annual Personal Weapons Test – AK47

    The PrepYou.Eu AK47 Annual Weapons Test is for experienced shooters who have completed the All Platform Firearms Training and wish to regularly test themselves and their weapon-handling skills. Shooting 25 rounds in under 90 seconds from 5 different positions is not as easy as it sounds! This is part of our Citizen …

  • PrepYou Fieldcraft & Survival Course delivered in Sofia, Bulgaria is focused on the principles of SERE - Survive - Evade - Resist - Escape. Sale!

    BUG OUT! – Introduction to Fieldcraft & Survival in Eastern Europe (2024)

    This one-day introductory course is part of our Citizen Soldier Programme and is designed to expose the students to the practicalities of planning & preparing for a Worst Case Scenario (WCS) and the execution of that plan in the event of a series incident that covers mass-public disorder (Riots & Revolutions), natural disasters (Flooding, earthquake) …

  • Civil Defence Cadet (CDC)

    Civil Defence Group Cadets (CDCs) – Part of the Civil Defence Group – is an apolitical/areligious youth organisation to prepare young adults (from 13-17) to cope with a Civil Defence incident that could range from natural disaster, pandemic or international conflict. This four-month programme (ongoing) is designed to pass on our core values of courage, discipline, respect …

  • Civil Defence Operator (CDO)

    Civil Defence Group Operators (CDOs)- Part of the Civil Defence Group – are trained to support the Civil Defence Group Responders, local law enforcement, and other agencies/NGOS during national emergencies, covering scenarios from international conflicts to natural disasters. This four-month training package (in-person and online training is weekly) prepares and equips the student to …

  • Civil Defence Responder (CDR)

    Civil Defence Group Responders (CDRs)- Part of the Civil Defence Group – local law enforcement, and other agencies/NGOS during national emergencies, covering scenarios from international conflicts to natural disasters. This four-month training package (in-person and online training is weekly) prepares and equips the student to be a useful member of the Civil Defence Group and society in …

  • Close Quarter Combat Team – 3 Month Membership

    The Close Quarter Battle Team is a subscription-based training package designed to help more advanced students progress from solo firearms training to full team tactics in confined spaces such as buildings or vehicles. Our international training partner SAMI Academy Sofia delivers additional self-defence training, including Extendable Baton & …

  • Introduction to Chemical, Biological, Radiation & Nuclear (CBRN) Training for Civilians

    Coming Soon!

    Are you ready to face the unpredictable challenges of today’s world? Our two-day CBRN (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear) course equips civilian students with the essential knowledge and skills needed to navigate CBRN threats effectively. This is part of our Citizen Soldier Programme.

  • Combined firearms training with AR15, AK47 and Glock 17 in Sofia Bulgaria Sale!

    Multi-Platform Firearms Training

    This five-day, intense weapon-handling course is 100% about the perfect application of the most common weapon systems to be found in modern-day conflict. Confirmation of Learning is completed daily with students completing the relevant PrepYou.Eu Annual Personal Weapons Test with video certification for each course of fire.

  • PrepYou-Cadets_is_an_international_youth_Group_for_kids_13-18 Sale!

    PrepYou Cadet – Schools Programme

    PrepYou Cadets is an apolitical and areligious youth organisation delivered in schools for boys and girls between the ages of 13 and 18 that encourages young adults’ inter-personal development via the learning of “military skills & values” that will have a positive impact on the rest of their adult lives. For potential Cadets who do not …